Janice's Story

This is just a very recent start to my weight loss
I love the interaction with all the members and the simplicity of the recipes
I have tried all the diets out there but GreggWallace.Health is completely different in its approach - they treat us like ordinary people who will have good and bad days along with events which include indulging a bit. We are never made to feel like a failure, they let us enjoy life and it creates a mindset that you know when you fall you can get straight back up and will be praised for doing that.
No matter what my day has in store for me there is always someone on GreggWallace.Health to talk to who may well be feeling the same as me and you get 100% support.
I could go on all day about the benefits of this plan and how it has completely changed my mindset on food and exercise – just join and look forward to looking back at the old you!