Hi, nice to meet you

and I'm really pleased you are interested in finding out about GreggWallace.Health!

Professor Amanda Daley

BSc, PhD, BPS CPsychol., HCPC Registered Psychologist

Behavioural Medicine Expert at Loughborough University

I am a professor and director of the Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour (CLiMB) at Loughborough University, where our aim is to develop and evaluate ways to help people change their health behaviour to prevent and treat chronic diseases. We work closely with the NHS, including hospitals and GP practices, health charities and city councils to find out what works best in helping the public manage their weight and become more physically active. We also work with commercial partners and organisations such as GreggWallace.Health, who, like us at Loughborough, are focused on helping the public to make lasting changes to their lifestyle.

"Our work at the Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour regularly features in leading national newspapers and magazines, as well as on television and radio shows around the world. " 

Loughborough University is the academic partner for GreggWallace.Health and we are providing independent scientific advice and research support to the programme.

Changing what and how you eat and committing to leading a physically active lifestyle is not easy, at first. But over time developing healthy habits and routines becomes easier, and the benefits to both physical and mental health, are too many to list here. It gives us so much satisfaction knowing that we are helping the nation to reduce the chances of developing diseases and dying early. 

If you are interested in learning more about the work of the Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour at Loughborough University please visit our website.

If you have any questions about the role of Loughborough University in GreggWallace.Health please get in touch by email at climb@lboro.ac.uk 

Loughborough University is the academic partner for GreggWallace.Health

and we are providing independent scientific advice and research support to the programme.

Changing what and how you eat and committing to leading a physically active lifestyle is not easy, at first. But over time developing healthy habits and routines becomes easier, and the benefits to both physical and mental health, are too many to list here. It gives us so much satisfaction knowing that we are helping the nation to reduce the chances of developing diseases and dying early. 

If you are interested in learning more about the work of the Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour at Loughborough University please visit our website.

If you have any questions about the role of Loughborough University in GreggWallace.Health please get in touch by email at climb@lboro.ac.uk