Gregg's Blog - Don't Diet

Greggs Blogs

Gregg's Blog - Don't Diet

Gregg's Blog - Don't Diet

The reason many people don’t attempt weight loss is they think, incorrectly that it’s going to be difficult, they believe they are going to be on a diet!

Many people have tried diets before and found them restrictive, found them uncomfortable and more damagingly, they found they were hungry.

This is the reason that diets don’t work. This is the reason that people don’t attempt to lose weight, they’ve tried diets before and now they are nervous.

GreggWallace.Health is not a diet which is why it has the support of Leicester health trust and why it also has the support of Loughborough university.

There is a world, I promise you, where you can eat lots of food, enjoy your meals, be full up and lose weight. You have my solemn promise that what I’m telling you is absolutely true.

What you have to do is give yourself three big meals a day. Big breakfast, big lunch and big dinner.

The difference between slim people and overweight people are the habits that they have got into. It’s worth repeating this a number of times over, it’s incredibly important. The difference between slim people and overweight people are the habits that they have got into.

If your food habits are grabbing food when you’re hungry instead of planning ahead. The chances are you are eating food that is not satisfying you and you are eating food that is making you overweight.

What we are talking about here is a world of pastries, sandwiches, takeaways and lots of snacks.

Far better, far healthier and far more satisfying is to eat big hearty, healthy meals that you have prepared yourself. Not only is it healthier, it’s also cheaper I promise you and it will result in you losing weight.

The problem is for so many of us is that we’ve never learned how easy it is to prepare these healthy meals.

What I’m telling you here is absolutely true. Breakfast can take less than 10 minutes, lunch can take less than 15 minutes and dinners can take less than 30 minutes. You just need to learn how.

GreggWallace.Health has hundreds of filmed, easy to follow recipes that have been overseen by nutritionists. Just pick the types of meals that you want to eat that you will enjoy, plan what you’re going to eat, do the shopping and you are set!

Do this and you will be healthier, you will save money on your shopping and you will lose weight!