GreggWallace.Health works. You never have to doubt it. Follow the advice, consume the meals, enjoy yourself, lose weight!
I’ll tell you why it works so you won’t be left in any doubt.
It works because it enables you to indulge in what for all humans is a natural inclination bordering joy.
What humans need to do, what mother nature is insisted they do in order to survive and thrive is it eat.
What we love to do more than almost anything else is to find food and fill ourselves up and store energy. We’ve been this way since we were early hunter gatherers. We can shoot food we turn that food into energy.
When we consume more food than we are burning off as energy, our clever bodies story as fat so that when we can’t get food, the body can use the stored fat as energy. Clever isn’t it?
The problem of course, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, as if we keep on consuming food that we don’t use up as energy we keep on storing up fat that we never burn and we get bigger and bigger.
Most people I speak with have a basic understanding of this. The old idea was to lose weight you needed to burn all the fat off so you had to consume less food. That resulted in people being hungry, it resulted in people thinking they had to eat boring food like salad, it required willpower because people were hungry and of course eventually it failed leaving people beating themselves up emotionally that they were weak.
It simply isn’t true that you have to eat less food, not in anyway! You can consume tons of good food you just have to make sure it’s not too energy dense. You can fill your belly, and as long as you fill your belly with the right foods, your body will burn it off as energy and won’t store as fat. Moreover, it will start to burn away the fat to use as energy, but your belly is never empty and grumbling.
I do hope that makes sense. Foods that are really rich in energy or foods that are full of fat like fried food and foods that are high in sugar like biscuits. Because they’re so high in energy, our body doesn’t get a chance to burn that off so it keeps storing it as fat.
Now if you put foods in like GreggWallace.Health foods. You’ll be putting a lot of food in you that will keep you full and happy, but it’s not as energy dense. It’s plenty of fibre, it’s plenty of protein, it’s what your body craves, it’s not artificial.
The reason this plan works is it enables you to fulfil a basic need and that is to fill yourself up and enjoy your food. Not be hungry and not go without
It’s pain free weight loss it almost happens without you even noticing...