What is perfection anyway? No such thing right? We should all of us be trying to improve our lives bit by bit. In terms of our weight and our health that’s incredibly important. But we may also want to be trying to get a little bit happier, a little bit more financially secure or perhaps just a little bit more chilled out.
We can’t attack all of those things right now so let’s just focus on our weight and our health.
You may have a vision of you this slim fit on the beach in a swimsuit at a party in a clinging outfit And that’s great, you’ll get there I promise you. Having the image in your mind is a good thing.
What is important is that you don’t put yourself under pressure.
Often the end result can seem too far away and then when you have a setback the end result seems almost out of reach. I’m here to tell you it never is you just need to shift your focus.
Just focus on the little things that you can do daily. These are small steps that are hardly noticeable. You’re being mindful you’re considering how to become a better you with little small changes.
Do you know what any journey is made up of ? the little steps. If I right now consider a 3 mile walk it’s daunting right? However, what if I put headphones on? Listen to a great audiobook and just focus on walking? The walk will be complete just by me focusing on step-by-step.
Let’s look at some little practical changes that we could make. For a start let’s look at our three meals each day, could they be better? Can just one of them be better?
Let’s look at our snacking, can we change that? Can we make sure we eat more meal times to make sure we’re not hungry during the day?
What about our alcohol units? Can we add lemonade to our wine or even turn it into a fruity sangria with less alcohol in it?
Just be mindful of all the decisions that we make throughout the day. Just ask yourself what you can do that will make each of these a little bit better.
Can you imagine the progress you would make if you constantly did that? Don’t worry ever and I mean this about slipping up! Mistakes are never the end of your journey. See them for what they really are, they are simply slipups you are only human. If you learn a lesson from them that is a major step forward.
Be kind to yourself have the vision of the view that you were daily love to be most certainly. Just be aware that this isn’t the most important thing. The most important thing is to focus not on perfection but on progress.
So before I go, I want you to tell yourself right now what one little thing can you do right now that will make a difference?
Keep asking yourself that, in fact it’s so powerful you may never want to stop asking yourself that.