I will tell you right now, the biggest reason that’s so many of us put on weight. The nation has an obesity issue, there is no arguing with that.
This obesity crisis wasn’t with us when I was a child. It’s a relatively modern phenomenon. In fact, research shows obesity rates rising from the early 1980s.
This also coincides with a rise in the takeaway culture and the rise of the snack culture. Now I’m not Sherlock Holmes but nobody could miss this clue.
We pretty much copy the United States. They are the biggest takeaway nation in the world and we are the second. We have the biggest obesity rates in Europe and we are the biggest consumers of snacks in Europe.
If we want to be healthy and lose weight, we need to turn our backs on snacks and takeaways we need to reduce our dependency on these and start to prepare our own meals.
I didn’t lose weight by being hungry. I never suggest that anybody starves themselves or eats nothing but salad leaves. What I champion is eating big portions of healthy food.
What I’ve realised after four years of helping people is the biggest issue is a lack of cookery knowledge.
If you don’t know how to cook that is not your fault. If nobody ever showed you where on earth were you supposed to learn ?
What we do here at Gregg Wallace health more than anything else is teach people to cook. We give people the confidence to prepare their own healthy meals.
The most common thing I hear is “I don’t have time to cook” when I hear this I realise that that person actually doesn’t know how to cook. I never say this to them as I don’t want to embarrass them.
Gregg Wallace health website has literally hundreds of breakfasts lunches and dinners that are really easy and take hardly any time at all.
Breakfast sometimes in as little as five minutes lunch is in 10 minutes and dinners that can be made in less than 30 minutes.
It’s not true that healthy food is more expensive everybody losing weight on this plan also saves money on their shopping. Planning properly means less food waste which is a benefit to the environment. It also means less money spent on snacks and takeaways.
It’s also not true that healthy food is boring. We have healthy versions of pizzas, curries noodles, fish and chips. The list goes on and on
We have got out of the habit of preparing our own food. Many of us leave the house each day without any idea of what our meals are gonna be. We grab and go or we phone and order.
Teach yourself a life skill that will result in a healthier you. A skill that will support you for the rest of your life. A skill that you can pass on to others.
Enjoy your food, eat big but please eat healthy. Learn to cook and change your life forever.