Greggs Blogs
Gregg's Blog - The Danger of "Oh Well"
Gregg's Blog - The Danger of "Oh Well"
It’s never the one off holidays, the parties, the weddings, the special dinners that make you put on weight. These are not regular occurrences, they're things that happen from time to time. They have to be managed but these social occasions are not a problem.
The problem is the daily and weekly "oh well". "Oh well I don’t know what I’m gonna have today, but I’ll grab something", "oh well, I’ll have this pasty or this inappropriate sandwich because there’s nothing else". "Oh well, I'll have this takeaway because it’s Friday or because it’s Saturday and I deserve a break from cooking." "Oh well, it’s only a biscuit on the sofa", "oh well, it’s only a chocolate bar", "oh well, it’s a piece of cake, but it’s Karen‘s birthday", "oh well it’s only a glass of wine and I’ve had a tough day at work."
It’s this oh well attitude that is damaging because it’s regular. It’s lots of little things that are constantly adding up against you.
When there are big social occasions coming up by all means manage it, perhaps concede that you may not lose weight that week but you’re definitely not going to finish full of regrets and a few pounds heavier.
What really needs to be tackled are the bad decisions, the oh wells that happen every single day. It’s not just oh well, oh well, it’s a bad decision and it is the layer upon layer of bad decisions that have made you overweight.
The good news is these are little things and by definition they’re not big things which means they are easy to change.
If you are serious about weight loss do not ignore this wonderful advice. Get out in front of your oh wells and turn them instead into not likely. Do this and I promise you the weight will slip away.