Gregg's Blog - We are Cavemen

Greggs Blogs

Gregg's Blog - We are Cavemen

Gregg's Blog - We are Cavemen

We were built to survive in harsh environments. We have the same wiring that we had when we were hunter gatherers. The needs and desires that were created for us millions of years ago aren’t suiting us particularly well in a modern environment. To be fair some urges are okay, some are causing a bit of a problem, let me explain.

As humans we didn’t always have an abundance of food. We were drawn to fatty foods and sweet foods as sources of energy that our bodies could store as fat to use up as energy for the times we went without food.

Nothing has changed in our hardwiring. We still find sweet foods and fatty foods incredibly appealing. This is a major issue as they are now in abundance. In fact, we don’t have to go very far to find foods that are full of fat and full of sugar.

The snacks that you are eating, biscuits, crisps or chocolate bars are packed full of fat or sugar or sometimes both. Have a look at the labelling on these packets, go and take a look at the ingredients. It’s not just the snacks. It’s the ready meals as well.

If you were cooking a meal for yourself, would you add an emulsifier? Would you add a stabiliser? What about artificial colouring? No, you wouldn’t do that? Okay, what about laboratory produced products that taste like fat or taste like sugar? You so wouldn’t put that stuff into your food would you?

Big food producers are clever people... They know that the human body craves sugar and fat. They are cleverly producing foods that we find irresistible and we have no defence mechanism against them.

Please have a look at the world around you. Please have a look at the foods you’re eating. Please do read the labels of the snacks and the ready meals. Where do you think the obesity crisis is coming from? Why do you think record numbers of us in the UK are putting on weight?

There is a way to free yourself from these ultra processed foods and that is to prepare more of your own food. I rarely snack and I can’t remember the last time I had a ready meal.  Do I feel like I’m missing out? of course I don’t.