Gregg's Blog - We Fear Change

Greggs Blogs

Gregg's Blog - We Fear Change

Gregg's Blog - We Fear Change

We become overweight because we pick up habits... Little ones, nothing major but we pick up habits that are harmful to us. Possibly drinking a little too much, quite possibly having a few too many takeaways, probably nibbling away on too many snacks most, probably falling into the trap of not giving enough consideration to what our meals are going to be.

These little habits become our routines, become our lifestyles. We as humans find routine comfortable we like it a great deal. We don’t like it when our routines change.

That means we carry on with the bad food choices, lack of planning over our meals because we’ve got into routines, routines that are harming us. However, we find pleasure from them and are very reluctant to see them as harmful.

In order to lose weight, eat good food, get good Nutrition and be healthier than we are at the moment, the bad habits have to change. As I said we find change uncomfortable, it seems really difficult but it isn’t.

The only time we change is when the worry or the discomfort of staying the same, outweighs the fear of change. That’s it, we have to start getting very uncomfortable with how we are so that change has to happen.

I’ve worked with people now for over four years and right now I’m in the middle of a project with a dozen nurses, not all of them are losing weight , but the majority are. 9 out of the 12 most certainly are and I’m not giving up on the other three.

There was reluctance when I started from these nurses. They had got themselves in routines of takeaways vending machines the cafeteria and of course snacks.

The nurses that are losing the weight  Have all said the same thing. "This is so easy. Why didn’t I do this before?"

They found that spending a little bit of time on organisation so that they know what their meals are gonna be, so that they have the ingredients in the house, of course with access to some really easy recipes, has resulted in them spending less time finding their meals then they never did before. Of course, they’re also losing weight, got better skin, more energy and look a lot better!

They never knew what their meals were gonna be. They were always running to the shop to find something. Now one of them said dinner takes as little as 10 minutes sometimes.

These nurses are discovering what I discovered a number of years ago... we hold onto our bad habits, but when we change, we embrace new habits and all of a sudden our new habits are healthy habits, we look better, we feel better, we lose weight...