Gregg's Blog - What Habits Has Your Body Learned?

Greggs Blogs

Gregg's Blog - What Habits Has Your Body Learned?

Gregg's Blog - What Habits Has Your Body Learned?

Here is something very important to always consider. Your body will crave what you constantly give it!

This is why people become smokers, this is why people get hooked on drugs and this is why people develop an alcohol dependency.

Obviously, if tobacco had never existed, nobody would’ve ever become a smoker right?

I’ve helped hundreds of people lose weight. Although everybody is an individual, the issues are nearly always incredibly similar.

There is often an issue with a dependency on takeaways, there are issues around cookery knowledge and busy work schedules. There are nearly always issues around snacking.

If you are used to having a takeaway on a Friday night or a Saturday night this is what you have become used to, this to my mind has become a habit. If I instantly asked you to stop it you would feel deprived. Interestingly, you never felt deprived before you started having it each weekend.

If you have coffee every morning and I asked you to stop you would feel uncomfortable. The same would be true of the glass of wine when you get home or the bottle of wine on the Saturday night. All habits that you’ve got into, have a feeling of pleasure around them and you would be uncomfortable if I asked you to stop.

Now the takeaways and the drinks I can clearly see that they may be perceived as a treat at the weekend. However, what about the pastry from the coffee shop? How about the crisps during the day? How about the biscuits on the sofa in the evening?

Without knowing it you may well formed some bad habits that to you right now are considered treats. Your body is craving what it is you are regularly giving it. We are creatures of habit, we love routine. Our bodies are craving what it is we are regularly giving it.

 There’s the problem when we try to change to a healthier lifestyle. We know because we’re intelligent people that we may be eating the wrong foods, but we see them as our pleasures so why would we want to give them up?

The constant push and pull of this mental and physical struggle. I shouldn’t have the packet of biscuits! What do I do? I love the biscuits!

Okay, I hope as you read this, you can see the habits develop without us even knowing.

It really isn’t that difficult to change you know. Consider this for a moment please. You haven’t had these habits all of your life, they’ve crept into your life bit by bit until they became your normal.

Now all you have to do is start to introduce healthier foods bit by bit and consume them regularly. If instead of the packet of crisps you had a juicy ripe mango if instead of the biscuits in the evening you had yoghurt, cinnamon and some fresh fruit. How long do you think it would take before this became your new normal?

Do you see? We are creatures of habit most certainly. If we swap the bad habits for good habits those new habits will become our normal very quickly.

I used to have lots of takeaways and I used to consume lots of snacks. I don’t miss them in any way at all. I don’t feel like I’m missing out in any way.

My body craves what I regularly give it and what I regularly give it is lean protein and lots of fruit and vegetables. That then is what it wants.

A slim person eats differently to an overweight person. The slim person doesn’t feel deprived. The slim person and the overweight person still crave food. The slim person‘s body desires what it regularly gets and the overweight person‘s body craves what it normally gets.

You can turn this around if you want to believe me.