Greggs Blogs
Gregg's Blog - What Should I Eat?
Gregg's Blog - What Should I Eat?
This question came up again on my live Instagram chat this week not from GW.H members but non-members. Please who aren't GW.H members ask this question a lot.
The lady this week said "what can I eat to lower cholesterol?" I get asked "what can I eat to burn fat?"
This question is the wrong question... the question should really be "what shouldn’t I eat?"
The idea that you can add an ingredient to your habits and that will somehow change everything is misguided. If someone’s diet is wrong and they are diabetic or overweight, adding foods to the bad diet just won’t help.
You can’t live a life of high fat foods, snacks, takeaways, ready meals and sandwiches and think if you add a pineapple to that or some vinegar it will change everything, of course it won’t.
What you need, what you’ve always needed is a balanced diet but of course you’re not a nutritionist so you won’t know what this means.
Let me have a go here. You want a good mixture of protein fibre and fat, don’t worry about carbs they really are not the enemy.
If you eat meat that’s protein but you want that protein without too much fat, so fillet steak is leaner and sir sirloin is leaner than ribeye, chicken breast is leaner than chicken thigh. Pack in as much fruit and vegetables as you can. You can eat a big amount of veg. Try to have as many varieties and colours as you can.
What’s going to happen is it's going to start to ask lots of questions. What about potatoes? What about butter? Olive oil? Can I eat nuts? Questions will go on and on...
GW.H takes all the complexity out of this, all of the simple to make meals on the site have been overseen by nutritionists to make sure they are the right balance of protein, fibre and fat. There are hundreds of delicious meals, they contain carbs, they contain many different vegetables, a chunk of them vegetarian, others have good meats and fish included.
You don’t have to work out whether you are getting the right balance yourself. The meals are perfectly balanced for you. Balance to give you good nutrition which will give you good health and will result in weight loss.
I’m answering the question "what should I eat" as precisely as I can. What you should be eating are the easy to make, inexpensive, delicious meals on my website. There is no way you won’t find meals that suits you. There are over 500 of them!
Choose them them enjoy loss enjoy good health enjoy a new you.