Let’s do a little exercise here, please. Who do you want to be? What do you want to look like? What shape do you want to be? What weight do you want to be? What clothes would you like to be wearing?
These are good questions right? It’s what we’re here for. We’re not comfortable and happy the way we are we want change, so who do we wanna be? What do we want to look like?
Next step: What are the habits that we’ve developed that I’ll stopping us being the person we want to be? The only difference between overweight people and healthy people are the habits that they’ve picked up over the years.
Please don’t fool yourself by thinking somehow it’s something to do with genetics or metabolism. There is no such thing as the slim person that can eat whatever they want and never put on weight. We are all humans, we’re not living amongst slim-only aliens - the difference between those of us that are overweight and those of us that are slim are the habits that we have developed.
So what habits have you developed are standing in the way? What habits have you developed, that right now are standing between you and the person that you want to be?
Now we’ve identified those habits here comes the clever bit. What strategies are you going to put in place to change those bad habits for good ones?
In order to be the person that you deserve to be to be the person that you should be that you dearly want to be, you have to live the life of that new person. You have to get into the mindset of the new you, you have to develop the habits of a new you