Gregg's Blog - Your Brain Can Get You There

Greggs Blogs

Gregg's Blog - Your Brain Can Get You There

Gregg's Blog - Your Brain Can Get You There

Your weight loss journey or your health journey, is exactly that, it is a journey.

Now if you go on any journey, obviously you need to know exactly where it is that you want to end up. Imagine getting into a taxi at Heathrow Airport and asking the driver to take you to "London"! The driver would naturally ask you to be a little more precise as to where it is you want to end up.

The same I have found to be true with ambition. I asked many people what it is that they would really like. So many people say I want more money. If it’s just more money, somebody wants, they’re unlikely to succeed. A bit like the taxi driver at the airport, that’s a little vague.

How much money do you want? What do you want it for? What are you going to do with it? Once you know exactly how much money you need to live the life that you want, you can start to build a plan. Just saying to yourself I want more money isn’t going to get you there.

Now let’s consider your health, let’s consider weight loss. How much weight would you like to lose? Let’s go a little deeper please. What do you want to look like? Write this down It’s powerful. Why do you dislike how you look and feel now? Write this down this is also powerful.

Write down on a piece of paper how you would feel with your new weight with your new healthy body. Write down what you will see when you look in the mirror. Describe how you would feel going to a party or being
 on holiday.

What you are doing here is giving your brain a roadmap. You’re giving it clear instruction on where it is you wanna end up.

Please believe me, this stuff is really powerful and it really works. I met my friend Cherry years ago and we were talking about dreams and aspirations. She asked me what I wanted And I described the house that I wanted to live in in great detail. I now live in that house.

I can’t tell you scientifically why and how this works, I just know that it does. Workout how you wanna look, how you wanna feel and write it down. Give your brain a roadmap to work to.

The practical stuff on how to be your perfect weight you will find at Gregg Wallace Health