Greggs Blogs
Moderation During Party Season
Moderation During Party Season
Look, we know what it’s supposed to mean... a little bit of what you fancy doesn’t do you any harm, right? Have a drink, have a snack, have some chocolate, as long as you don’t overdo it. That’s what it’s supposed to mean right?
The problem is what is moderation to somebody that is overweight? What is moderation to somebody who drinks too much? What does it mean to somebody that’s picked up really bad snacking habits?
Does it mean that somebody struggling with alcohol should drink one bottle of wine instead of two? Does it mean somebody eating a chocolate cake every night should have half a cake?
Do you see why this statement is a problem? As we enter the party season more than ever I think this advice should be completely ignored. I’ve never liked it. I’ve always considered it to be extremely unhelpful.
Moderation does work but it only works with people that have found themselves at the right weight people that have got themselves healthy. They have then learnt what moderation means to them. They have achieved their goal. They now know what moderation means to them personally and only them.
All people that are a healthy weight exercise moderation. They know what they can do occasionally because what they do most of the time is incredibly healthy. Those of us that are not at goal weight as yet don’t know what that moderation means to us. It’s different and very personal to all of us. That’s why it can’t be given out as general advice.
During party season it is your right to enjoy yourself, it is your right to indulge. All we ask is that you are mindful. We asked that you consider what you are eating and drinking, savour it, enjoy it but also be very aware of how much you are consuming.