Greggs Blogs

Libby's Blog - My Holiday Weight Loss

Libby's Blog - My Holiday Weight Loss

Last month I went on holiday to Romania for 5 days and I need to be honest, I was quite nervous about how this may get in the way of...

Gregg's Blog - Your Brain Can Get You There

Gregg's Blog - Your Brain Can Get You There

Your weight loss journey or your health journey, is exactly that, it is a journey.Now if you go on any journey, obviously you need to know exactly where it is...

Gregg's Blog - What Habits Has Your Body Learned?

Gregg's Blog - What Habits Has Your Body Learned?

Here is something very important to always consider. Your body will crave what you constantly give it!This is why people become smokers, this is why people get hooked on drugs...

Gregg's Blog - Snacking

Gregg's Blog - Snacking

I really am troubled by the amount of snacking we do in this country. I’m not the only one either.According to studies over 25% of the calories consumed in the...

Gregg's blog - Why Aren't The French Overweight?

Gregg's blog - Why Aren't The French Overweight?

I love France, I like the French countryside, I love the south of France, I have a particularly soft spot for Bordeaux and I have visited Paris many times.Obviously, we...

Gregg's Blog - Don't Diet

Gregg's Blog - Don't Diet

The reason many people don’t attempt weight loss is they think, incorrectly that it’s going to be difficult, they believe they are going to be on a diet!Many people have...